COSPAR 2021 Event E1.15 about Cherenkov Telescope Array
In the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly held in Sydney, Australia on 28 Jan.- 04 Feb. 2021, we are organising the Event E1.15 titled "Cherenkov Telescope Array: the Ground-based Eyes to Observe the Gamma-ray Universe".
Summary of E1.15
Recent developments in gamma-ray astronomy have opened a new astronomical window for the study of our universe. By now, thousands of astrophysical sources have been discovered in this energy range with the help of both space-borne instruments, such as Fermi and AGILE, and ground-based observatories, such as H.E.S.S., VERITAS, MAGIC, ARGO, and HAWC. Gamma-ray astronomy is ripe for new discoveries due to the fact that more advanced observatories, such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), are currently being built to detect gamma rays between tens of GeV and up to about a hundred TeV. CTA will have an improved angular resolution and flux sensitivity with a larger field of view, which will allow to make large surveys and to investigate source morphology of very large extended sources. Furthermore, CTA will come with a much higher detection rate of transient gamma-ray sources, allowing as well for a deeper follow-up of flaring events triggered by other observatories. In this COSPAR Event 1.15, we welcome presentations about CTA Key Science Projects, Simulations and Detector Development, as well as presentations from experiments, such as H.E.S.S., VERITAS, MAGIC, HAWC, ARGO, Pierre Auger, Fermi, LOFAR, SKA, and IceCube. Contributions focused on multi-wavelength observations, analysis, and theoretical modelling of galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray sources are also very welcome.
This Event is sponsored by Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (CTAO gGmbH).
Schedule of E1.15
Scientific Organising Committee
Abelardo Moralejo Olaizola (IFAE, Spain), David Paneque (MPI Munich, Germany), Elizabeth Hays (NASA/GSFC, USA), Gavin Rowell (The University of Adelaide, Australia), Gerd Pühlhofer (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany), Jamie Holder (University of Delaware, USA), Miroslav D. Filipovic (University of Western Sydney, Australia), Roberta Zanin (CTAO, Italy), Ryo Yamazaki (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan), Sabrina Casanova (Institute for Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland and MPI, Germany), Satya Mohapatra (MIT, USA), Stefan Funk (ECAP, Germany), Stefan Wagner (University of Heidelberg, Germany).